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10 août 2010

iAds Now Offers In-Application App Downloads, Helps Curb Low Fill Rates

Posted on 09 August 2010

Apple has introduced a new feature for iAds that allow ad-units to display App Store apps that users can purchase directly from the ad, without having to go to the App Store first.

Apple is looking to curb the problem of so-called "app obscurity" by first introducing a means for developers to promote their apps via iAds, and now with the option to purchase/download apps directly from the ad-units themselves.  It's a simple addition, yet powerful for developers and Apple itself.

As an added bonus, developers can use the money/credit they earn in iAds to promote their apps using the new feature.  It also helps Apple increase fill rates, which are rumored to be much lower than anyone initially anticipated.  iAds has only been around since early July, but Apple has already added unique functionality.  It's interesting that everything they've done so far has been centered on developers and the promotion of their apps — it signals to me that Apple is definitely wanting to help developers earn money from apps that get lost in the mix as the App Store balloons in terms of sheer quantity.

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