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24 juin 2011

Why optimize HTML email for mobile?

Designing for the mobile web is nothing particularly new - or rare. With pretty much every decent handset available providing the "full web" experience, there are really not a lot of popular sites left that don't include a mobile stylesheet for small screens.

It seems that mobile stylesheets haven't proven to be quite as popular in email, despite the advantages they provide to devices that make use of the @media query. Lets take a look at optimizing your HTML email for mobile, including the finer points of using @media in Campaign Monitor.

Why optimize HTML email for mobile?

To be honest, viewing HTML email on a mobile device can be plain fiddly. Even on the iPhone, it's common to have text automatically rescaled to a size that's near unreadable, or in a way that can break your design. Wide emails often require horizontal scrolling, especially when there's a large image involved.

By creating a separate set of styles to be used by devices that recognize the @mediaquery, you can optimize your emails in a similar fashion to how web pages are being optimized for the mobile today. Devices that don't recognize @media will degrade gracefully by simply reverting to your default styles.

How does this work?

We've done it before, but lets walk through Panic software's example again. Here's the design (on the iPhone):


And here's the mobile stylesheet in the <head> section of the email:

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {      .page {           padding: 0px 10px 5px 10px !important;      }      body {           padding: 10px !important;      }      #airmail-line {           margin: 0 -10px !important;
} .header { font-size: 16px !important; } .headline { font-size: 20px !important; } #screenshot { width: 275px; height: 190px; } }

Lets walk through this. First of all, there's the condition:

@media only screen and (max-device-width: 480px) { ... }

What this says is, "Only use these styles if the screen dimensions are 480px or less" (480px being the width of a "flipped" iPhone's display). Then, using the !importantdeclaration to override any inline styles, change the padding of the body and the .pageDIV, alongside the font-size of certain text when these styles are invoked. This maintains the pretty layout of the email and keeps the headings from being too large on the small screen.

What's really cool is how the #screenshot is resized to fit the display. Here's the screenshot at its original 550 x 380px in a desktop email client:


And here it is resized to 275 x 190px for a mobile display:


Resizing your images can prevent the sort of layout breakage, or unnecessary scrolling that can occur when an image is too large for the mobile devices' viewport.

A final tip is the addition of -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; to prevent handsets from automatically resizing your text. For example, the iPhone scales small fonts up to 12px, so it can be used to override this. That said, all your text should be above 12px and desirably, 17-22px. Anna Yeaman at Style Campaign has an excellent write-up on text sizing which wraps this up nicely.

This is great, but which devices can display mobile stylesheets?

The good news is that devices with fairly solid CSS3 support - the iPhone, Android and Palm, which all use Webkit - have no trouble with the @media query. Here's the same email in the Android and Palm Pre's default mail clients:


We also tested @media handheld { ... } on these devices (iPhone OS 3, Android, Palm) and more (Blackberry 8900 Curve, Nokia N96, Pocket PC, Samsung Intrepid), without luck.

And finally, a tip for use in Campaign Monitor...

We usually recommend that you move a copy of your campaign CSS inline. In this case, as we're using the @media query to override any inline styles, it's better to make your default styles inline from the start and add your @media styles to within the <head> section of your email. Upon import of your campaign, uncheck "Move a copy of my CSS inline" and you'll be done in time for dinner.

With growth in the iPhone's market share not letting up any time soon, we anticipate that we're to see this technique used more often. After all, it's an elegant, non-destructive snippet of code that can make your emails just as much of a pleasure to read on mobile devices as it is on the big screen.

22 juin 2011

Les indiscrets du lundi 20 juin

–> Le 21 juin, Voyages-SNCF donnera sa vision pour 2015. Avec 3 milliards d'euros de CA, le e-commerce entre de plus en plus dans la stratégie de la SNCF. Est-ce le fruit de cette reprise en main par le rail ? Pierre Alzon, le dg, quitte la société, pour s'investir dans de nouveaux projets : « dans l'Internet en tout cas, pas forcément dans le voyage. »
–> Beaucoup de lancements à prévoir en France pour l'activité mobile de Google : Local Shopping va être lancé « dans les prochains mois », ainsi que GoogleShopper, qui permet d'appeler le magasin ou qui indique le chemin pour s'y rendre, Google Wallet, le portefeulle virtuel qui embarque le paiement et les cartes de fidélité, Voice action, l'outil de commande vocale, et Google Offers, « un Groupon personnalisé, pour éviter de recevoir sans arrêt des anonces pour le blanchiment des dents » a expliqué Florence Diss, qui semble lire attentivement Petit Web.
–> Jean Marc Tassetto, DG de Google France a rappelé les ambitions de Google dans l'hexagone : d'ici à la fin du mois de juin, 50 ingénieurs auront été recrutés en France, pour un objectif de 100-150 en 2012, avec un focus sur deux domaines clés pour l'entreprise : le mobile et la vidéo.
–> L'application iPad de X-Factor, l'émission de M6, « ouvre un nouveau champ qui montrent que les télés ont encore de la ressource. Les deux caméras backstage, pilotées par l'iPadeur renforcent l'intéret du programme. On peut même imaginer qu'elles soient complétées par un flux vidéos des spectateurs » explique Jean Sébastien Hongre, ancien dirigeant de Planète Interactive, qui prépare un projet de conseil aux entreprises pour la rentrée avec son camarade Frédérick Benichou.
–> L'application iPad de la Redoute sort cette semaine.

5 Innovative Mobile Marketing Campaigns to Learn From

Mobile marketing" used to just refer to phones, but that's no longer the case. These days, you could be referring to an iPad or maybe no phone at all. Your marketing campaign could be embedded in an app or a QR code or a Facebook link or maybe a combination of all three.

As the definition of mobile evolves, marketers have an opportunity to stake out some new turf — the segment is so new that no rulebook exists yet. Because of the open-ended nature of the technology, there are really no limits to your ideas.

Of course, the Wild West can be intimidating, too. That's why we're showcasing some recent examples that might inspire you to try something different with your mobile marketing campaign.

1. Renault's Phone-Less Facebook Checkin

Sure, a lot of people have the Facebook app on their smartphones, but why limit yourself? That was the thinking behind a promotion for Renault during the Amsterdam Motor Show in April. Attendees were given RFID-enabled cards that they could use to check in to pillars near Renault's cars. Then, they could check in on Facebook and "like" various models.

Renault wasn't the first brand to try its hand at phone-less mobile Facebook access. In summer 2010, Coca-Cola launched a program at its amusement park in Israel that let kids check in and "like" various attractions.

Innovation: Realizing that Facebook checkins don't require a phone or a PC.

2. Diesel's Facebook-Enabled QR Codes

A program by clothier Diesel offered a twist on the Renault idea. Instead of offering phone-less access to Facebook, it let consumers use QR Codes to do the same thing. In this case, if you "liked" a product, you got a discount on it, which seems like a fair exchange for basically advertising the item to all your Facebook friends.

If near field communications takes off, you could take this idea even further and eliminate the QR Codes. Or you could offer the "like" discounting for phone-less Facebook access.

Innovation: Linking QR codes to Facebook "likes."

3. Macy's QR Code Explanations on YouTube

When Macy's launched a QR Code program in February, the brand was careful not to leave its customers behind. Since not everyone who shops at the department store is necessarily tech-savvy, the brand released a video on YouTube explaining the program to the laypeople. Macy's also made sure that you could still participate in the program even if you don't have a smartphone — which is the case for about 70% of Americans — by texting.

Offering the same versatility, The Home Depot also made sure when it launched a QR Code program in March that customers with display phones could access the program by texting.

Innovation: Recognizing that many target customers aren't very tech savvy.

4. Starbucks Mobile Payments

In many cases, a mobile campaign is mostly a novelty and consumers are excited by the newness of using their phones in a different way. But back in January, Starbucks introduced a program that made it easier for customers to buy coffee. The brand was ahead of the curve on mobile payments, a segment that is still in its infancy in the U.S.

In March, Starbucks revealed that the plan, which relied on customers using the Starbucks Card Mobile iPhone and BlackBerry apps, was a success. Some 3 million people at that point had paid using the app. For customers, there's a clear benefit to using the technology — it lets you pay faster.

Innovation: Providing utility, rather than just novelty in a mobile app.

5. Coldwell Banker's "Branded Video" Ad

Realtor Coldwell Banker promoted its iPad app in late May with a new Google ad format called "Branded Video" that featured a clickable video ad. The ad, pictured above, appeared as a banner or as an interstitial before an app. Instead of just launching video, consumers had the option to click to see more. The campaign saw interaction rates of upward of 7%, which is much higher than the standard 0.01% click-through rate for banners.

Innovation: Employing an innovative new ad format.